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Whistleblower Claims Under The Tennessee Public Protection Act(TPPA) 

Whistleblower claims are made by employees in the public or private sector against their employer. It can be in terms of fraud related to finances, discrimination in the workplace, safety issues, etc. Such problems need to be addressed, and if any retaliation takes place from the employer’s side, the whistleblower will be protected by the law and can exercise specific legal remedies. Retaliation from the employer’s end can be in the form of terminating the person from the job, harassment, or other forms. 

In Tennessee, the TPPA  plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of employees in the workplace. It safeguards their rights against any exploitation. You can check the website for further information.

Let us look at how TPPA protects whistleblowers in Tennessee: 

  • Rights provided by the law in case of retaliation 

Employees are entitled to various benefits if retaliation occurs from the employer’s end. It takes a lot of courage to confront the wrongdoings of a person, especially if it is your employer, as they may fire you from the job, demote you, cut your pay, etc. The law protects against such harassment, and the employee can get the position they had before the retaliation. Moreover, any payment for the possible damages will also have to be made. 

  • Criteria for the claims made by the employee 

You must be very confident in your claim against the employer. You should make a reasonable claim by proving that an illegal action took place and you suffered retaliation as a result of raising your voice against the wrongful act in the workplace. 

  • Protecting the employees against retaliation 

The law protects the employees when retaliation happens. The employer might decide to suspend the employee or take other adverse actions for going against them. They may even terminate the employee from the job. TPPA ensures that such retaliation is not encouraged, and the employer makes the necessary amends for his actions. 

  • The employee must file a complaint within the specified timeframe. 

The employee must take action against the wrongdoing on time. There is a limit under Tennessee’s law; you must make the claim within a year from the point of retaliation. Not being able to fulfill this criterion can lead to not accepting your claims once the time has passed. The protection will be provided to employees within the stipulated period. 

Hire a lawyer to protect your rights!

In case you receive discriminatory behavior from the employer’s end after making the claim, you must get in touch with a skilled lawyer. They are thorough with various state and local laws of Tennessee.