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A Guide to Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

If you are like most people, you have probably spent many hours in the shower trying to clean your ears. You may have thought about using an ear wax removal tool for years, but were unsure of how it would actually work and if it was worth the time and money. Now that we have a better understanding of what microsuction really is and how it works, many people are deciding to give this treatment a try.

What is microsuction?

Microsuction is a procedure that uses a small vacuum to remove ear wax from your ears. It has been proven to be safe and effective for both adults and children, making it the ideal treatment for ear wax removal.

Microsuction can be done at home or in the clinic by an experienced physician who specializes in this type of procedure.

How can I prepare for microsuction?

  • Wash your hands.
  • Take a shower.
  • Wear loose clothing and a hair tie, or a hat if you have long hair that needs to be tied back. If possible, wear sunglasses or goggles when undergoing this procedure; if not, consider covering both eyes with a cap to protect them from being injured during the procedure. You should also avoid touching your ears for at least 24 hours after the procedure so that there’s no risk of infection from debris in your ear canal during the healing process (this could result in permanent hearing loss).
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine for at least 24 hours after having microsuction performed on one’s ears because these substances will dry out any residual wax buildup left behind after removing it — which would otherwise make it easier for bacteria like staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria thrive inside these areas of our body!

What should I expect after microsuction?

After the procedure, you may experience some of the following:

  • A little soreness in your ear canal. This is normal and temporary.
  • Some discharge from your eardrum (a small hole that separates your middle and inner ears), which will clear up within a few days. You can also expect some itching around the area where you had surgery—this is also normal and temporary.
  • Hearing loss in one or both ears if there was damage to the cochlea during surgery; this usually heals with time but may require additional treatment such as sound therapy or hearing aids.
  • Dizziness or vertigo (feeling like spinning) can occur after microsuction because air gets trapped behind clogged wax particles; these side effects typically go away within an hour of leaving our office, but they could last longer depending on how much wax was removed from your ear drum.”

Can I have a microsuction session at home?

Yes, you can have a microsuction session at home. You need to be in good health and able to lie down comfortably. You also need to be able to speak clearly, follow instructions and give consent for medical professionals to perform procedures on your body.

Microsuction is an effective tool for ear wax removal and helps to keep your hearing aids clean.

Microsuction is an effective tool for ear wax removal and helps to keep your hearing aids clean. It’s a safe, non-invasive procedure that can be done at home with the help of an ophthalmologist or otolaryngologist (ear nose throat specialist).

Microsuction uses vacuum suction to remove earwax from your ears, which has been shown in several studies to be an effective way of keeping them clean.

You will need:

  • Ear drops (drops are only needed if there is pain during the procedure)
  • A small piece of cotton swab attached by thread (to help guide the instrument)


Microsuction is an effective way to remove ear wax, and it can help you keep your hearing aids clean. You may be worried about how much it will hurt, but most people find that the procedure isn’t painful at all! If you have any questions about this procedure or would like more information on hearing aid birmingham hygiene in general please contact us for a free consultation today in Earwax Removal Leamington spa  by calling 01203690780  or visiting our website at