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How Solar Power Can Work for You

Solar Energy is the Fastest Growing Field of Energy Technology

Using electricity to heat a home is expensive. Installing solar panels and a solar power system is an inexpensive, renewable energy alternative.

The History of Solar Power

The origins of solar power begin with a French physicist named Edmond Becquerel, who in 1839 found that rays from the sun contain energy and that certain materials conduct more electricity when exposed to light from the sun. This discovery became known as “the photoelectric effect.” In 1877, an English engineer by the name of Willoughby Smith built the first photoelectrical cell.

Albert Einstein received a Nobel Prize in 1912 for his research on the photoelectric effect. The commercial production of photoelectrical solar cells (also known as photovoltaic cells) began in the mid-1950s. Photovoltaic cells were used as a power source for the Vanguard I satellite in 1958.

Innovations in photovoltaics have continued over the past few decades. Today, these cells are part of home solar power systems that provide a viable alternative to conventional forms of energy. Photovoltaic production has increased at a rate of about 50% per year since 2002. It is currently the fastest-growing field of energy technology.

How Solar Power Works in the Home

We can bring solar energy to power a home through the installation of solar panels that contain photovoltaic cells. This is how a solar energy system works:

  • Solar cells collect energy from the sun, which is converted to DC (direct current) electricity.
  • An inverter converts the DC electricity into AC (alternating current) electricity.
  • The converted AC electricity directly flows into your home’s sockets or a battery storage system that provides power at night or when the panels cannot produce power.

A bi-directional power meter shows your home’s power consumption. When your solar system generates more energy than you use, the power meter moves backwards to show harmful power consumption. When your home uses more energy than your solar system has generated, the meter moves forward as it usually would and you will pay for this electricity.

The Advantages of Solar Power

Solar power provides a way to decrease your dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels. In areas with warm climates, a home solar power system can generate a large portion of the electricity used in the home and reduce your dependence on your local power utility. You will be protected from spikes in energy costs.

A solar power system can also increase the resale value of a home.

Solar PV can help reduce GHG emissions and air pollution. The carbon emissions associated with solar PV are far lower than those of any other energy source. Solar PV cells do not emit air pollutants or toxic emissions when generating electricity, making them a cleaner energy option than fossil fuels.

Solar PV can be deployed in off-grid communities, providing much-needed electricity to households and businesses. Solar PV can also help reduce energy costs for low-income families, making energy more affordable.

Solar PV promotes economic development. Solar PV can create jobs in the manufacturing, installing, and maintaining of solar PV systems. Solar PV can attract foreign investment and contribute to a country’s GDP.